digital me
We ask the community about how and why they use digital technology
At SAZ MEDIA, we understand the power of going digital. We wouldn’t be able to provide our services without it! Digital has enabled us to connect with one another almost wherever we are in the world. It’s allowed us to make appointments efficiently, understand data, provided breakthrough research and supported us in emergency situations. We need it now more than ever to support us with modern living and we don’t want you to miss out.
We created these short videos with residents of Stockport, Greater Manchester to understand how they were using Digital and what they thought was the best way to either get started or learn more.
We hope you feel inspired to try something new in the digital world.
Remember starting small is still starting!
Have something you’d love to share with us about your digital journey? Use the contact form below to let us know and it just may inspire our next wave of digital educational films :)
(We have those too)
Contact us today to start creating something amazing together!
For support or any questions:
Email us at
Call Sara on +44 (0)7540406747